Saturday, April 4, 2009

SIB Satria Jaya BDC Fund Raising Dinner @ ACS 04/04/09

I "missed" my Akademi Fantasia last night due to this commitment. SIB Satria Jaya (Iban) is located in BDC, where most of the congregation are Ibans, residing around Kpgs. Stutong/Stampin and the surrounding neighborhood housing areas.

At the present moment, the Church is renting a shophouse and the NEW Church is about 70% nearing completion.

The Patron didn't make it, maybe due to the on going By-Elections N29 Batang Ai. However, he donated generously RM20,000 and YB JJ Masing also donated quite a substancial amount towards the completion of the church building.

Thank you to all the donors, who made it possible. SIB SJ started renting the shophouse more than 15 years ago.

God, to You Father, the Glory in the Highest.

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