Thursday, May 28, 2009

LoansharKiNG! Neraka along:- Peminjam tak bayar hutang dikurung, dilayan macam hamba

(DUA dari tiga peminjam yang dirantai leher dikurung along di Seri Kembangan, Serdang sebelum diselamatkan polis, petang semalam.)

Oleh Petah Wazzan Iskandar/Thurs 28/May/2009/Source: Berita Harian On-Line
Peminjam tak bayar hutang dirantai, dilayan macam hamba

SUBANG: Bagaikan hamba abdi - demikian keadaan tiga lelaki mangsa along yang dirantai dan dikurung dalam dua 'lokap' di tingkat bawah sebuah rumah kedai empat tingkat di Jalan PBS 14/2, Pusat Perindustrian Bukit Serdang di sini, sebelum diselamatkan polis petang semalam.

Seorang daripada 'banduan' along itu ditahan sejak dua bulan lalu, seorang lebih sebulan manakala seorang lagi kira-kira 10 hari. Ketiga-tiga mereka diikat dengan rantai besi pada leher, tangan dan kaki ke sebatang tiang dalam 'neraka' itu.

Tiga lelaki itu, yang amat lemah dengan kesan lebam dan luka, dipercayai dirotan di beberapa bahagian badan kerana membuat bising atau cuba menarik perhatian orang ramai di luar bangunan supaya menyedari mereka dikurung.

Mereka hanya diberi sebuku roti seorang sebagai makanan selama seminggu, manakala air minuman disalurkan dari paip tandas yang dibina khusus untuk lokap berkenaan.

Ketua Polis Daerah Gombak, Asisten Komisioner Abdul Rahim Abdullah, berkata serbuan ke bangunan itu dibuat pada jam 2.30 petang susulan penahanan dua along di depan sebuah bank di Desa Jaya, Kepong kira-kira tiga jam sebelum itu.

Ketika ditahan kedua-dua suspek berusia 30 dan 33 tahun itu dipercayai baru selesai menjalankan urus niaga berkaitan pinjaman.

"Selepas disoal siasat, mereka membawa polis ke premis rahsia itu, yang dipercayai digunakan sebagai lokap untuk menahan dan mendera peminjam yang gagal membayar hutang. Ketiga-tiga mangsa itu ditemui dengan tangan, kaki dan leher mereka dirantai dalam sebuah bilik di belakang premis itu. Keadaan mereka amat teruk selepas dibelasah tanpa perikemanusiaan.

"Kami terpaksa meminta bantuan anggota bomba dan penyelamat kerana tidak mempunyai peralatan untuk memotong rantai mereka," katanya ketika ditemui di tempat kejadian di sini, semalam. Hadir sama Ketua Polis Daerah Subang Jaya, Asisten Komisioner Zainal Rashid Abu Bakar.

Abdul Rahim mengesahkan semua mangsa yang ditahan itu dilaporkan hilang oleh keluarga masing-masing di Kajang, Gombak dan Segamat, Johor, termasuk seorang sejak 10 April lalu.

"Siasatan awal mendapati mangsa itu hanya berhutang antara RM1,500 dan RM4,000, tetapi mereka dilayan seperti anjing hanya kerana gagal menjelaskan pinjaman," katanya. Semua mangsa dihantar ke Hospital Serdang untuk pemeriksaan kesihatan.

Tinjauan Berita Harian mendapati anggota bomba dan penyelamat terpaksa menggunakan mesin pemotong besi serta masa kira-kira dua jam untuk menyelamatkan semua mangsa dari lokap di dalam premis yang tidak mempunyai sistem pengudaraan sempurna itu.

Mangsa pertama hanya dapat diselamatkan kira-kira jam 6.30 petang, kira-kira empat jam selepas mereka dijumpai manakala dua lagi dilihat keluar bangunan itu 10 minit kemudian sambil diiringi pasukan perubatan.

Salah seorang mangsa yang dikenali sebagai Lim, 49, dari Kajang, berkata dia diculik along di sebuah pasar raya di Semenyih, selepas perbincangan untuk menyelesaikan hutangnya tidak dapat diselesaikan, pada 10 April lalu.

"Sejak hari itu, saya sering dipukul malah diperlakukan seperti anjing kurap hanya kerana hutang sebanyak RM800," katanya sambil menangis dan terlalu lemah hingga tidak berdaya untuk berdiri sendiri.

** Believe it, coz it's a true story, readers. We have come across many "stories" such as these highlighted in our local papers of late but still there are people going to this sort of personality known locally as "alongs" for a small term loan and ended up paying a massive amount of personal debt or else they might end up like what had happened in this photo shown above. What are we doing to put a stop to this uncivilized act? It may happen to you and your loved ones, even me? The Gov't have done all they can to help especially the petty traders. There are Gov't Agencies like MARA, Smidec who offer many types of loans to help out these traders. I pity those caught using alongs' services. The loans are easy to apply, but the interests will "kill" the joy after a short while. The person may end up paying triple amount for a small loan and you have no say and there is no use "bargaining" as the interests will keep on generating itself. It's a hard lesson to learn, folks, so be very wary and careful or else you'll be caught in a trap which offers you no option except to pay whatever amount (interests) they impose on you. **

Comment made by: SD

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Claudia Fay Geres meets LeBoey in person!

We took this after the "Trek Selebriti" shooting ended. This is her latest looks after the Akademi Fantasia 7 ended more than a week ago.

It was taken at their home.

I manage her Blog along with her dad, Jimmy Geres.

Posted By SD

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Trek Selebriti

Jimmy Shanley along with his crew were in town yesterday to do the "Trek Selebriti" a programme made for ASTRO. When we arrived at Claudia's house after 6:30pm, they were just about to start shooting some scenes. We were asked to join in and I was even interviewed by Jimmy regarding Claudia's Blog which is still being managed by myself along with her dad, Jimmy Geres.

The whole thing was over in less than 2 hours. That night, they were supposed to do some shooting ast The Steppes, Simpang Tiga, a well-known place for local entertainment.

On Saturday, Claudia will be with them to the Sarawak Cultural Village to do some more shooting before they round it up later that evening.

It caught us by surprise but a pleasant meeting in the end. After all, these guys are our Local Celebrities and you dont get to meet them often!

We took some pictures, of course. My daughter, Stef was certainly impressed.

Posted By Stephen Dass

Friday, May 22, 2009

Zambry kekal MB

AHLI Umno Cawangan Tanjung Malim menjulang Zambry sebaik saja mengetahui keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan memihak kepadanya ketika merasmikan persidangan serentak mesyuarat Umno Cawangan Tanjung Malim di Slim River, semalam.

Tiga hakim Mahkamah Rayuan ketepi keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi

PUTRAJAYA: Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir kekal sebagai Menteri Besar Perak apabila Mahkamah Rayuan semalam membenarkan rayuannya bagi mengetepikan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi 11 Mei lalu yang mengisytiharkan Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin pemegang sah jawatan itu.

Dalam keputusan sebulat suara, tiga panel hakim Mahkamah Rayuan yang bersidang mendapati Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Datuk Abdul Aziz Rahim salah dalam membuat tafsiran peruntukan relevan terhadap Undang-undang Tubuh Negeri Perak (UTNP).

“Yang Arif Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi berkenaan gagal menilai dengan betul dan secukupnya semua keterangan yang ada padanya sehingga membuat keputusan

yang salah,” kata Hakim Datuk Md Raus Shariff, yang bersidang bersama Hakim Datuk Zainun Ali dan Hakim Datuk Ahmad Maarop.

Mohd Raus dalam keputusan lisannya juga memutuskan Sultan Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah membuat keputusan betul melantik Zambry sebagai Menteri Besar selepas mendapati Mohammad Nizar kehilangan sokongan majoriti Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Perak pada Februari lalu.

“Kami juga berpendapat bahawa keputusan sama ada membenarkan atau tidak permohonan pembubaran Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) adalah dalam bidang kuasa Sultan,” katanya. Mohd Raus memberitahu peguam Mohammad Nizar, Sulaiman Abdullah pihaknya akan menulis alasan penghakiman dalam tempoh seminggu.

Sulaiman memberitahu mahkamah, anak guamnya akan memfailkan rayuan dalam tempoh 30 hari dan memohon mahkamah menyiapkan alasan penghakiman bertulis secepat mungkin bagi membolehkan rayuan mereka didengar Mahkamah Persekutuan.

Mahkamah itu juga membatalkan permohonan Mohammad Nizar untuk mengetepikan keputusan Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan, Datuk Ramly Ali, menangguhkan pelaksanaan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi selepas diberitahu pemohon ingin menarik balik permohonannya.

Mohd Raus berkata, mereka sependapat bahawa mengikut hak istimewa Sultan Perak, apabila permohonan Mohammad Nizar yang dibuat mengikut Perkara 16 (6) UTNP untuk pembubaran DUN ditolak, beliau mesti meletak jawatan.

“Tiada peruntukan khusus atau mandatori dalam UTNP untuk diadakan undi sokongan majoriti di DUN Perak. Malah, kehilangan sokongan majoriti Mohammad Nizar boleh ditentukan dengan cara lain (tidak hanya melalui undi).

“Sultan Perak betul untuk menjalankan siasatan dan adalah jelas bahawa Mohammad Nizar kehilangan sokongan majoriti di DUN Perak. Oleh itu, Sultan mempunyai hak untuk melantik Zambry sebagai Menteri Besar,” katanya.

Peguam Zambry, Datuk Cecil Abraham, berkata anak guamnya akan meneruskan tugas seperti biasa selepas rayuannya dibenarkan.

Pada 11 Mei lalu, Mahkamah Tinggi mengisytiharkan Mohammad Nizar sebagai Menteri Besar Perak yang sah selepas membenarkan permohonan semakan kehakimannya.

Bagaimanapun sehari kemudian, Mahkamah Rayuan membenarkan permohonan Zambry menangguhkan pelaksanaan keputusan itu sehingga rayuannya diputuskan. Mohammad Nizar kemudian mengemukakan permohonan bagi mengetepikan keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan itu.

Mohammad Nizar memfailkan semakan kehakiman itu pada 13 Februari lalu, memohon perintah injunksi bagi menghalang Zambry, yang dilantik Menteri Besar pada 6 Februari lalu, atau ejennya daripada menjalankan tugas sebagai Menteri Besar.

Oleh Khirul Bahri Basaruddin dan Saufi Hamzah

** The controversy continues in the state of Perak about who is the "rightful Menteri Besar." So, what is the next move from Nizar? Another appeal like what Zambry did, perhaps?

So when will this end if ever? When will the "Government" get down to work to bring more development to the state? Who are the losers at the end of the day? So many Questions that someone like Najib has to address one day.

Why are the Perakians being punished when their "rightful government of the day" lost out when the "3 political frogs" left Pakatan in a lurch?

I think the right and most sensible thing to do is to go back deep to the electorates for votes of confident. Looking at when Nizar was re-instated back as MB many weeks ago, I'm pretty sure Nizar will WIN it handsdown again maybe with a better showing than the last time?

I don't know, but it should be justice done at the end! **

Posted by: Stephen Dass

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Insurance News

Rebates for direct insurance
18 May 2009, By The Star
PETALING JAYA: Come July 1, car owners who buy motor insurance directly from insurance companies without using the services of an agent will qualify for mandatory rebates, a move that could render agents redundant. The move would see new customers being given a 5% rebate on their insurance if they buy it via channels such as the Internet, telemarketing, direct mailing or by walking into the insurance company. These customers would also get a 10% rebate for renewals in the second year. In a circular sent to the General Insurance Association of Malaysia (PIAM) dated April 17, Bank Negara said the rebates would only apply to actual owners of the vehicles. The circular added that Bank Negara had “no objections” to PIAM’s proposal for the mandatory rebates. This is understood to mean that the move would more likely be implemented than not. Veteran insurance agent Hardyal Singh hit out at PIAM, saying the association did not take the views of 40,000 agents (15,000 of them full-time) into consideration. “It will clearly affect the livelihood of the agents. Full-time agents hire at least three to 30 employees at their agencies and these people will also be affected. “Our main source of income is the 10% commission, so the 10% rebate is actually our commission being given to the customer. It offers no benefit to the insurance company but instead creates a socio-economic crisis by making people jobless.” Hardyal, who was formerly Perak General Insurance Agents Association president, said he would be forming an ad hoc committee with some larger agents in Kuala Lumpur to speak out more on the matter. It is understood that the circular was the outcome of correspondence and meetings between PIAM and Bank Negara on the association’s proposals towards self-regulation of the industry. In the circular, the central bank said the rationale for mandatory rebates was to “promote the promulgation of alternative channels of distribution so as to increase the penetration of insurance to the masses”. An industry source said the industry was heavily regulated, especially towards the ability of insurance companies to reward agents, and that PIAM’s proposals were for Bank Negara to allow some self-regulation. “When Bank Negara came back to the table, it seemed that they were saying if insurance companies were willing to reward agents, then they could also provide this benefit to policyholders.” The source added that the central bank’s move could be seen as a way to reduce the number of part-time agents but said full-time agents would now have to work harder and think up new ways to get business. Consumer advocate Billy Toh said he was strongly against the move as he felt that agents could still play a role by explaining the insurance policy details to customers. However, Federation of Malaysian Consumers Association secretary-general Muhammad Sha’ani Abdullah said “the move would reduce the opportunity for agents who try to get customers to buy other types of insurance together with motor insurance.”

Third-party motor cover from MMIP
16 May 2009, By The Star
PETALING JAYA: Members of the public who are unable to get third-party insurance coverage from individual insurance companies are advised to obtain coverage from the Malaysian Motor Insurance Pool (MMIP). MMIP is a pool contributed by all insurance companies and deemed as the insurer of last resort. Recently, there had been reports that motor vehicle owners had experienced some difficulties in obtaining third-party motor vehicle coverage. Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Wira Chor Chee Heung met officials from the Finance Ministry, Bank Negara and representatives from Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM) yesterday to discuss issues regarding motor vehicle insurance, especially the issuance of third-party motor vehicle insurance. In a statement, the ministry said that Chor subsequently instructed Bank Negara to resolve the matter together with PIAM. Chor wants both parties to jointly come up with balanced short and long-term resolutions which would be amicable to all stakeholders, namely insurance companies, consumers and regulators. PIAM said that insurance companies were willing to issue coverage but hefty losses due to large claims from third-party coverage had resulted in it being a non-viable business.


Monday, May 18, 2009

HOLO: The Game

I caught these pictures when we attended a funeral sometime last week. Some people may not agree with this sort of practice, but nonetheless people tend to think this is one of the ways to shorten the night.

A "friendly game" between neighbors and friends though not everyone is happy about it. :)

I can't say I agree with this opinion, so I'll just refrain myself from saying something controversial and stir up the hornet's nest!

But please, keep the young ones away from it.

Posted By Stephen KU Dass

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Man Utd are worthy champions

Sir Alex Ferguson - in what has become his customary Premier League title-winning address to his Old Trafford subjects - asked: "Does it get better than this?"

Ferguson delivered this poser amid the pyrotechnics and partying to mark a third successive title win, a feat that ensured Manchester United hit the hugely-significant landmark of 18 championships, drawing level with Liverpool at the pinnacle of the domestic game.

This statistic alone underscores the scale of Ferguson's achievements and perhaps prompted him to pose a question he answered himself within seconds when he insisted United would return from "a nice trip to Rome" as the first club to defend the Champions League.

So yes, it could get better than this for Manchester United and Ferguson. In fact it could get better very quickly - on 27 May to be precise if they beat Barcelona.

For now, however, another title triumph and another demonstration of the unique drive, hunger and longevity of Ferguson will suffice.

Rafael Benítez refuses to accept Manchester United's superiority

Rafael Benítez has confronted the unpalatable prospect of Manchester United equalling Liverpool's record of 18 league titles by refusing to recognise the champions-elect as the finest team in the country. In a begrudging assessment of his fiercest rivals, he also claimed Sir Alex Ferguson is on course for a third successive Premier League crown thanks only to the financial advantage he enjoys over Liverpool.

There was an element of pragmatism in Benítez's modest appraisal of United yesterday, with Liverpool able to take the title race to the final day should Arsenal triumph at Old Trafford this afternoon and West Bromwich Albion be defeated at The Hawthorns tomorrow. His refusal to concede defeat was secondary to a refusal to offer any credit to Ferguson, however, following a campaign that has fractured the once respectful relationship between the managers at Anfield and Old Trafford.

Liverpool will become the first team to lose only two matches and not win the title should they remain undefeated for the rest of the season and United gain the point they require. Asked if the best team always wins the league, Benítez responded: "It just means they have more points.

"If United win the league it means they will have more points, clearly, but there are some very good teams in different positions in the table. It depends on the time of the season. I don't think I ever said we were playing the best out of everyone, maybe just at certain moments. I do have a lot of respect for the other teams, but to say who is the best at one moment is not easy."

The Liverpool manager added: "There are a lot of good teams in the Premier League. Without putting them in any order, I'd say Chelsea, United, Liverpool and Arsenal are the best. This year we have shown we are improving and that we are a better team than before. We can still get better but we are in this position because we are winning a lot, have played good football, scored a lot of goals and not conceded many. Eighty points is good, 86 could be much better, and we will try to get there and see what happens. If United have more points, it only means they have more points, that's all, nothing else."

Benítez insisted the only difference this season between Liverpool and United, whom they have beaten home and away, lies not on the pitch but on the balance sheet, with Old Trafford's greater resources providing Ferguson with a deeper and more experienced squad.

"For me, United have a bigger squad with top-class players, but always they spend more than we can spend," said the Liverpool manager. "If they make mistakes they can use different players, but the level of the two teams is more or less the same. Maybe we have to bring in some young players without the experience at this level, and that could be the difference. United are a top side that is spending big money every year on improving its squad and that is the main difference between them and the other teams."

While Benítez takes pride in Liverpool's creditable pursuit of United, the club's Spanish midfielder Xabi Alonso has insisted the season cannot be classed a success should it end without a trophy. "In terms of the Premier League it has been better than it has before but if you don't win anything you can't consider it to be a good season," said Alonso, who is likely to be the subject of several transfer enquiries this summer.

"We have to be disappointed with ourselves, try to be critics and try to analyse the things that we haven't done properly. Of course you also have to think that we have made progress in the Premier League and we have to keep working on this basis, but you also know that success means winning trophies for Liverpool. It's very painful to look back and think of the draws that we had and the two defeats we have had also."

Benítez again revisited a disallowed goal in the opening minutes of the home game against Stoke City as an example of the fine margins that have worked against Liverpool this season. "It's only natural to think where would we be if we had managed to get another good result?" admitted Alonso. "But then all the teams in the Premier League can say the same thing."

A case of sour grapes?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Man Utd 0-0 Arsenal/Friday, 15 May 2009 (Sat night in M'sia)

By Phil McNulty
Chief football writer at Old Trafford

(Anderson, Giggs and Rooney celebrate winning the title)

Manchester United sealed a third successive Premier League title by getting the point they needed against Arsenal - but the Old Trafford celebrations only started after an afternoon gripped by tension.

Sir Alex Ferguson's side knew a draw would ensure they equalled Liverpool's long-time record of 18 titles, but Arsenal ensured they did not earn their prize without a fight.

Robin van Persie and Cesc Fabregas both wasted opportunities to drag the title race into its final week and leave United with more work to do at Hull City on the last day of the season as nerves jangled in the closing stages.

But United's defence, so often the bedrock of their success this season, delivered another clean sheet when Ferguson needed it most and Old Trafford erupted in ecstasy at the final whistle as an 11th Premier League success was confirmed.

Wayne Rooney missed United's best chance with a first-half header, and there was an intriguing cameo when Old Trafford voiced its resounding disapproval when the popular Carlos Tevez was substituted in what could prove to be his final home appearance.

But nothing could overshadow United's achievement - or the joy of players, fans and management - as the presentations were made after the final whistle with club captain Gary Neville lifting the Barclays Premier League trophy.

United saw off a stirring challenge from an improving Liverpool this season to once again set the standards their rivals must meet, despite a stumble when defeats against Rafael Benitez's side and Fulham threatened to undermine their challenge.

And as so often during this campaign, United got the result they needed when not at their most fluent, with the industry of Darren Fletcher and the defensive solidity of Nemanja Vidic taking centre stage as Arsenal kept Rooney and Cristiano Ronaldo on the margins.

United's squad were introduced individually as the presentations began, but the biggest ovation of all was reserved for Ferguson, whose hunger, drive and desire have again been the inspiration for this triumph.

And as the pyrotechnics flashed around Old Trafford, Ferguson could start the preparations for further glory as he attempts to make United the first club to successfully defend the Champions League when they meet Barcelona in the final in Rome.

Tevez's spectacular equaliser at Wigan earned him a starting place ahead of Dimitar Berbatov - with Ferguson clearly unmoved by continued speculation surrounding the Argentine's future.

Andrey Arshavin was restored to Arsenal's side after illness, and he saw plenty of possession in a first 45 minutes that saw Arsene Wenger's side acquit themselves far better than when the pressure was on in the recent Champions League semi-final against United.

The Russian provided an inviting cross for Van Persie after 13 minutes, but he headed off target with United's defence unlocked.

United's response was a Rooney header from John O'Shea's cross four minutes later. He should have at least tested Arsenal keeper Lukasz Fabianski, but directed a low header just wide.

Arsenal had a foothold in the game without putting United's defence under concerted pressure, but there was enough on show to subdue the atmosphere of anticipation inside Old Trafford.

United had one final opportunity as the interval approached, but Ryan Giggs, who would later collect his 11th Premier League title medal, shot well over the top after good work on the left flank by Rooney.

Van Persie had already been booked for a reckless challenge on Ronaldo, and he was fortunate to escape with a lecture from referee Mike Dean early in the second half for another poor tackle, this time on Patrice Evra.

United had struggled to create clear-cut opportunities, but Fabianski had to be alert on the hour to block Tevez, with Ronaldo firing the loose ball yards over the bar.

It was the final contribution for Tevez, who was replaced by Ji-Sung Park. Ferguson's decision was not well received by Old Trafford, in fact it was met with open derision as the popular striker made his way to the touchline.

Tevez milked the situation for all it was worth, waving to all sides of the ground in apparent farewell - going a step further by acknowledging the fans after taking his place on the bench.

Ronaldo thought he had scored the goal that rubber-stamped the title with 12 minutes left, but his 20-yard angled free-kick dipped just wide with Fabianski beaten.

Fabregas almost stunned Old Trafford with seven minutes left and the clock ticking down towards the title triumph. He found space inside the penalty area but, to widespread relief from the home support, could only find the side-netting.

Van Persie then shot straight at Van der Sar as United looked to have settled for the stalemate that would see them retain their crown.

The Dutch striker gave Old Trafford one final scare when his free-kick was bravely blocked by Michael Carrick.

Seconds later, referee Dean sounded the final whistle and United were crowned champions again.

Man Utd: Van der Sar, O'Shea, Vidic, Evans, Evra, Ronaldo, Fletcher, Carrick, Giggs, Rooney (Anderson 90), Tevez (Park 67).
Subs Not Used: Kuszczak, Neville, Berbatov, Scholes, Rafael Da Silva.

Arsenal: Fabianski, Sagna, Toure, Song Billong, Gibbs (Eboue 76), Nasri (Bendtner 69), Denilson, Diaby, Fabregas, Arshavin (Walcott 69), van Persie.
Subs Not Used: Mannone, Vela, Ramsey, Silvestre.

Booked: van Persie, Arshavin, Fabregas, Nasri, Song Billong.

Att: 75,468

Ref: Mike Dean (Wirral).

Source: BBC Sport

Congratulations to Manchester United, its Management Team, its players, its fans & followers world-wide!

You've achived what you set out to do at the beginning of every Season, and that is at becoming the Premier League Champions.

The NEXT "Trophy" is the UEFA Champions League against FC Barcelona in May.

Surely, that 2 Trophies left is within sight, having clinched that Premier League Championship earlier than expected.

Let us hope the "star" players can stay clear from injuries ahead of the Finals.

MU equalled the record set by Liverpool, winning it for the 18th times.

Again, Liverpool "missed" the chance even at one time the The Reds were leading the Table for quite sometime.

Maybe another year to come, perhaps??

I hope Tevez and Ronaldo will stay put for another Season, at least?

At the presenty moment, MU's engine room (the midfielders) are doing well with their contributions this Season. The yougsters are slowly showing their potential and learning the ropes under the present "seniors" like Scholes.

Giggs is still enjoying his game, same goes for Neville.

Discipline must be uphold and Ferguson is a strict taskmaster at that.

He won the pyschology handsomely again Benitez who initially started it. Fergie is a "Master" at those games, being playing that game for over 18 years. (correct me if I'm wrong)

For next Season, I dont see the needs to add anymore "new" players into the Team. But I like Kaka.

But, I want to know your opinion.

Please drop me a note, even to those that are not fans of MU.

Posted by: Stephen Dass

Friday, May 15, 2009

WiMAX challenges Wi-Fi By Chris Gaylord

When most people hear “wireless Internet,” they think “Wi-Fi.” The technology has allowed millions of computers and mobile devices to browse the Web without the snarl of cords.

But there’s another wireless standard out there – one that’s arguably more tempting if it can get its act together.

WiMAX delivers the Web similar to Wi-Fi, but covers wide areas like a cellphone tower. While the range of a Wi-Fi router is measured in yards – enough to blanket a house or office – WiMAX can broadcast for miles.

This added range has attracted interest from local governments looking into citywide wireless networks.

Several early citywide Wi-Fi plans were abandoned because they underestimated the cost of installing enough hot spots. But with WiMAX, “Instead of needing 20 or 30 Wi-Fi access points per square mile, you need one,” says Craig Settles, an independent wireless analyst. And many cities won’t need to brainstorm creative places to stick a WiMAX antenna, because it can be attached to current cellphone towers.

Sprint rolled out a pilot WiMAX program in Baltimore last year. The network delivers average download speeds of two to four megabits per second, half the rate of cable Internet but several times faster than the 3G mobile service used by many of today’s smart phones, according to Sprint’s tests. The company plans to introduce WiMAX in 10 American cities this year and five more in 2010.

“But here’s the big problem,” says Mr. Settles. “How many iPhones have a WiMAX chip in them? None.”

In fact, barely any devices understand a WiMAX signal because it uses different frequencies from Wi-Fi. This incompatibility issue has exacerbated the normal chicken-and-egg problem that plagues new technology: People won’t buy WiMAX devices until there are more WiMAX networks, but why build the network when Wi-Fi is doing so well?

Sprint’s plan requires a proprietary antenna that plugs into laptops, similar to the early Wi-Fi cards that have since been built into computers.

If WiMAX takes off, its performance could drop off quickly, says Settles, because fewer towers means that each station needs to juggle more requests.

“Some testers were stunned at the difference in reliability as more people join,” he says. “3G has about a 90 percent uptime. WiMAX is around 70 [percent].”

In the US, WiMAX has an additional hurdle because it relies on frequencies that are regulated by the government, so companies will need to pay extra for broadcast rights.

While Settles questions WiMAX’s chances, he says there’s a middle solution. “Locally owned” service provider B2X Online harnesses WiMAX-like towers to deliver broadband Internet to Franklin County, Va. The towers, which transmit over an unlicensed frequency, allow the small company to circumvent the expensive process of laying Internet cables to rural areas.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Coming soon: World's first solar-powered mobile phone

Wed, Apr 22

( Picture as illustrations purpose. The BlackBerry Curve 8900 Mobile Phone )

London, Apr 14 (ANI): A Japanese firm is launching a solar-powered waterproof mobile phone that can be entirely operated by exposure to sunlight.

The new phone is a sunlight-powered device, which will be sold by mobile phone company KDDI from June, reports The Telegraph.

Ten minutes of exposure to sunlight is sufficient for a one-minute call or to power the handset in standby mode for two hours.he handset's 80percent battery can be recharged entirely by sunlight as a result of storage technology embedded in the front face of the phone, according to manufacturers.

Marketed as a "green" eco-friendly alternative to conventional mobile phone handsets, the company claims that the device's lack of dependence on standard electricity will help reduce carbon dioxide emission levels. (ANI)

It's about time somebody comes up with this sort of innovation.
And its also high time I switch to something more "hi-tech" than the last unit I owned.
Just a thought! You have to be computer-savvy and I'm not one of those people yet.

Stephen KU Dass

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

PREMIER LEAGUE : Carrick fires Man Utd to brink of title

Thursday, 14 May 2009

(Man Utd need one point to claim a third successive Premier League title after Michael Carrick's late stunner gives Sir Alex Ferguson's side a 2-1 win at Wigan.)

Wigan 1-2 Man Utd
By Phil McNulty

Michael Carrick's late winner moved Manchester United to within a point of a third successive Premier League title with a battling victory at Wigan.

Hugo Rodallega brushed off Nemanja Vidic to give Wigan a shock lead after 28 minutes.

Substitute Carlos Tevez's outrageous flick diverted in Carrick's shot to level for United after 61 minutes.

And Carrick sealed a crucial win to put United on the brink of glory with a 20-yard finish four minutes from time.

United struggled in the face of Wigan's resilient challenge - but Sir Alex Ferguson's celebrations after Carrick's winner emphasised the importance of these three points and how close his side now are to drawing level with Liverpool's record tally of 18 titles.

Wigan counterpart Steve Bruce can be proud of his team's efforts, and United's closest rivals Liverpool can also have no complaints as they attempted to throw the title race open.

Ferguson restored Wayne Rooney in attack with Tevez - whose Old Trafford future is the subject of fevered debate - dropping down to the bench.

Wigan were forced to make a change in goal, with Richard Kingson coming in for Chris Kirkland, who failed to recover from the back injury that forced him off at West Brom on Saturday.

Latics' boss Bruce insisted his side would make every endeavour to stall United's title bandwagon and they made their intentions clear as early as the second minute when Valencia burst clear of Vidic but shot wide.

United soon posed a threat of their own when Dimitar Berbatov slipped away from Titus Bramble, but Rooney directed his header wildly off target from point-blank range.

Carrick then stole in on Cristiano Ronaldo's cross, only to lift a close-range effort over the top.

United were holding sway in possession, but Wigan's attackers were energetic and they were rewarded when Rodallega put them ahead after 28 minutes, out-muscling Vidic before recovering his composure to shoot low past Edwin van der Sar at the near post.

Rooney wasted another opportunity to level for United two minutes before the break when Ronaldo created an opening, as he side-footed over the top from eight yards.

But Wigan delivered another warning to the title favourites in first-half stoppage time when Rodellega shot wide after some slick approach play from Valencia and Lee Cattermole.

United struggled to make an impact after the break, and it was no surprise when Ferguson made a change after 57 minutes, sending on Tevez for Anderson.

And within four minutes the Argentine had put United level with a finish of instinctive brilliance, although there was also a sprinkling of good fortune in the creation of the goal.

Carrick's shot was flying off target, but Tevez turned it to his advantage with a stunning flick that completely wrong-footed Kingson.

United then had penalty appeals rejected when Ronaldo tumbled under challenge from Maynor Figueroa, but referee Rob Styles waved away their appeals.

Wigan, predictably, were placed under constant pressure in the closing stages and finally cracked with four minutes remaining. John O'Shea set up Carrick on the edge of the area and he flashed a rising left-foot drive high past Kingson.

United now just need a draw from the home game against Arsenal on Saturday or the trip to Hull City on the last day of the season to complete the formalities of another title triumph.

Source: BBC Sport

Monday, May 11, 2009

NIZAR IS MB By Debra Chong

KUALA LUMPUR, May 11 — Pakatan Rakyat’s Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin is the real mentri besar of Perak , the Kuala Lumpur High Court decided today.

Judge Datuk Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim said in his ruling that the only way the mentri besar can be removed is through a vote of no-confidence that must be taken in the state legislative assembly.
“Once a mentri besar is appointed, he is answerable only to the assembly,” he told the court, noting both political factions, PR and Barisan Nasional (BN) each had an equal number of 28 seats in the Perak State Assembly.

Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin and supporters celebrating the court ruling that he is the rightful mentri besar of Perak. – Picture by Choo Choy May

“Therefore, based on democratic practice, any measure of loss of confidence in the mentri besar of Perak leadership should be taken by vote of no-confidence against him on the floor of the state legislative assembly. Only in this manner can the mentri besar be forced to resign,” he added.

The judge noted that the provisions under Article 16 of the Perak Constitution – specifically under Articles 16(2) and 16(6) respectively – dealing with the ruler’s royal right to appoint an MB and to dissolve or not to dissolve the assembly were “plain and obvious” and did not give the ruler any right to sack the MB.

Justice Abdul Aziz pointed out that because of the “lacuna” (Latin for “loophole”) in the law, the court could not read it to mean something that did not exist.

He added that the only way to correct the loophole was for the law to be amended.

He also noted Nizar was not challenging the Sultan’s royal rights as a constitutional monarch but was suing Zambry for usurping his post as MB when he had not quit or been dismissed by the assembly.

Turning his attention to Zambry, the respondent in the lawsuit, the judge explained there had been a clear way out.

“If the respondent’s claim in this case is truly undeniable, that he has 31 majority, after the three ADUN expressed support, commanded the confidence of the majority and His Royal Highness had refused to consent to the request of the applicant to dissolve the assembly, why the BN did not request His Royal Highness to summon the assembly for a special sitting so that a motion of no-confidence can be made to pass against the applicant?” quizzed Justice Abdul Aziz.

“That would have been in accordance with the democratic process,” he highlighted.

The High Court also rejected an oral appeal from Barisan Nasional’s (BN) Datuk Seri Zambry Abd Kadir to suspend the declaration as he was planning to file an appeal with the Court of Appeal in Putrajaya.

But Justice Abdul Aziz told Zambry’s chief counsel Datuk Cecil Abraham he could still make a written application to the High Court after checking with the authorities.

Nizar’s chief counsel Sulaiman Abdullah explained to reporters later that if the High Court had granted Zambry’s request for a stay of the declaration, Nizar would not be able to immediately seek an audience with the Sultan and as the lawful MB ask for a dissolution of the assembly.

Nizar, who attended the court hearing today, looked stunned when he heard the judge decide in his favour.

He was immediately engulfed in hugs and congratulatory handshakes from his wife Fatimah Taat and peers from the three-party PR alliance, including Pas election director Datuk Mustafa Ali, PKR’s vice-president Azmin Ali and Perak DAP chief Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham.

Speaking to reporters after disentangling himself from the multiple arms around his neck, Nizar said he was going to seek an audience with the Perak sultan and ask for the assembly to be dissolved, paving the way for fresh statewide elections.

“I’ll be approaching the palace for dissolution almost immediately on arrival to Ipoh. I will seek an audience with Tuanku,” he said.

But Nga Kor King of the DAP believes Sultan Azlan Shah is now in the United States. He told The Malaysian Insider the Perak PR alliance will hold a meeting tonight to discuss the next step while waiting for an audience with the ruler.

“We must give the Sultan time,” he stressed.

Meanwhile, Bernama reported that the police have warned the public not to gather near the state secretariat here to prevent any untoward incident.

Perak police chief Datuk Zulkefli Abdulah said police would take action against those who defied the order.

The police, including the Federal Reserve Unit, have been stationed at the building, he said when contacted today, and insisted that the situation was under control.

Source :

Justice is done. The "usurpers" have lost it in the court of law. Democracy is in checked again. The planning and the scheming have now been exposed.

This augurs well for Malaysia especially for those that follow our pollitical development after the recent debacle regarding our judiciary system that had been "touched" by Tun Mahathir.

Posted SD

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Man Utd 2-0 Man City/Sunday, 10 May 2009

By Mandeep Sanghera
Manchester United moved a step closer to retaining the Premier League title after beating rivals Manchester City.

Cristiano Ronaldo's deflected free-kick put United ahead after wrong-footing keeper Shay Given, who got a hand to the ball but could not keep it out.

Carlos Tevez struck the City woodwork before powering in a 20-yard strike off the post to extend United's advantage.

Robinho wasted City's best chance when he shot wide from eight yards as the home side eased to victory.

United had gone into the game having seen Liverpool draw level with them at the Premier League summit with a win at West Ham on Saturday

Rafael Benitez's side were hoping the pressure would produce a wobble from the Old Trafford side but, instead, United's pace, power and passing was too much for City.

United have a habit of timing their good form for the end of season run in and, even though this was their 62nd match of the season, they showed little sign of letting the league title slip from their grasp.

The hosts quickly set about City and Ronaldo teed up Ji-Sung Park, who dragged his angled shot wide of the far post.

United had slipped into their slick passing game and it did not take long for their pressure to be rewarded with a goal after City midfielder Vincent Kompany lost possession.

United broke and a back-tracking Stephen Ireland fouled Berbatov to leave Ronaldo to score from the type of 25-yard free-kick he excels at.

Robinho tried to respond for City when the ball broke kindly for him just outside the United area only for the Brazilian to shoot wide.

Too many of City's passes were going awry and left their defence straining as they gave United the chance to continually launch attacks.

Tevez almost made them pay when he shifted inside and curled a strike which came off the angle of the woodwork.

But the Argentine made no mistake when Berbatov sublimely controlled a long Darren Fletcher ball and squared the ball for him to smash in a shot off the inside of the post.

City came out with more ambition after the break and Robinho had a great chance to pull one back.

He latched on to a Nigel de Jong through ball and showed excellent control only to shoot horribly wide from eight yards.

That was a rare chance for a City side who were unable to exert any concerted pressure on a resolute United defence led by the towering presence of Nemanja Vidic.

United were even able to step off the gas and conserve some energy ahead of playing again on Wednesday against Wigan.

Martin Petrov did force United keeper Edwin van der Sar into a full-length diving save to turn his shot round the post, while at the other end Tevez again hit the post, this time with a close-range header.

The only slight on United's win was the angry reaction of Ronaldo to being substituted but they now need four points from their remaining three games - with the others against Arsenal and Hull - to clinch the title.

Source: BBC Sport

B2, a BDC Coffee Shop at 6:45am

Almost routine to stop here everyday, well almost anyway. From Mon till Fri, from 6:30 to 7am, after dropping off the kids at their respective schools.

The scenes are like this everyday. People having their breakfast, a cup of coffee with local cakes. Roti Canai is also ready after 6:45am, porridge, laksa, kuey chap and kolo mee. There is also steaming hot paus & sio bee to go with your cuppa!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It's between FC Barcelona VS Manchester Utd for The UEFA Champions League Cup Finals

It's decided! Manchester United will meet FC Barcelona in the Finals of the UEFA Champions League. This should be very interesting to watch, both Teams playing beautiful game of football.

I, of course being a "Red Devil" lend my support to MU to win the coveted Trophy at hand. Sir Alex has helped MU to become to phenomenal team in England today.

His record is truly astounding and few managers in the English League is on equal par with him when it comes to winning Trophies.

Should Fergie hands over the reins to others in the coming years, I doubt very much anyone of them could emulate Fergie's finesse and style!

He is ONE of The Kind!

Mr. Manager, Extraordinaire!

As a ardent follower of MU down the years, I hope the "head honcho" at MU will soon find a suitable successor and get down to business especially at winning more Trophies for Manchester United.

Posted By: Stephen Dass

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ruthless Man Utd cruise into final/Arsenal 1-3 Man Utd (agg 1-4)

Wednesday, 6 May 2009
By Phil McNulty
Chief football writer at the Emirates

Manchester United produced a virtuoso display to remain on course to become the first team to retain the Champions League - and destroyed Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger's dream of winning his first European trophy.

Arsenal's hopes of wiping out a single-goal deficit from the first leg were all over inside 11 minutes as United struck twice to silence an expectant crowd inside the Emirates.

Ji-Sung Park pounced on Kieran Gibbs' slip for a close-range finish after eight minutes, while Cristiano Ronaldo fired a 40-yard free-kick past startled keeper Manuel Almunia three minutes later.

It left Arsenal's plans, plus Wenger's bold promise of a "magnificent" performance from his players, in tatters as they were simply unable to cope with the power, pace and energy produced by Sir Alex Ferguson's side.

Ronaldo's second goal of the game after 61 minutes summed up their display in the space of a few devastating seconds.

Arsenal were undone from their own corner by a superb sweeping move that also involved starring roles for Park and Wayne Rooney before Ronaldo completed the formalities with a flourish.

It rubber-stamped United's passage into a final against Chelsea or Barcelona in Rome later this month - and on this evidence they will take some stopping.

The only blot on United's otherwise perfect night came 16 minutes from time when Darren Fletcher was sent off by referee Roberto Rosetti, who ruled he had fouled Cesc Fabregas as he raced in on goal.

Robin van Persie's penalty will not cause United as much pain as Fletcher's suspension for the final.

If United's first-leg performance did not bring the margin of victory it deserved, they were full value for this triumph.

And as Ferguson and United's players celebrated, Wenger was left to contemplate the stark statistic that Arsenal have not won a trophy since they beat these same opponents in the 2005 FA Cup final - and looked light years behind them on the evidence of these two games.

United will now press on to seal another Premier League title, safe in the knowledge that they can take a tilt at winning this trophy for the fourth time.

Arsenal attempted to crank up the atmosphere inside the Emirates by placing thousands of flags on seats around the stadium - but two early blows from United ensured they were swiftly lowered.

United were desperate for the away goal that would leave Arsenal facing a mountainous task, and they were gifted it via an error from Gibbs.

He looked comfortably positioned to clear Ronaldo's routine cross, but he slipped and Park was on hand to take advantage by sliding in to lift a finish over Almunia.

Arsenal's plight became virtually impossible three minutes later when another mistake, this time from Almunia, allowed United to double their advantage and leave the Gunners requiring four goals.

Van Persie fouled Ronaldo 40 yards out, and while his strike was sweetly-struck and dipping, Almunia must take responsibility for moving too late to save an effort that arrived at a comfortable height.

Arsenal's players - and their thousands of followers - were visibly shell-shocked and Rooney almost made it three after 18 minutes.

Playing with great discipline in a left-flank role, he cut in dangerously to test Almunia with a shot the keeper was just able to turn to safety.

United were in complete control and Ronaldo was just off target with a header from Anderson's resulting corner.

Arsenal had been dominated to such an extent that they were reduced to ignoring Wenger's long-held philosophies as they launched aimless balls in the direction of Emmanuel Adebayor and Van Persie.

Their only response was a tame header from Fabregas that provided little more than catching practice for Edwin Van der Sar.

If Arsenal hoped the interval would inspire some remarkable transformation in a one-sided encounter, they were to be disappointed as United simply resumed with the same air of superiority.

Ronaldo tested Almunia with a low shot at his near post before he added United's third with a goal that summed up the quality of their performance.

From an Arsenal corner, Ronaldo found Park just 20 yards from his own penalty area. He played in Rooney, and when he served up a perfect pass, there was Ronaldo to complete a picture goal with a finish high past Almunia.

It afforded Ferguson the luxury of being able to remove Rooney and Patrice Evra, players who would have missed the final had they had picked up another yellow card.

Fletcher did, however, suffer that fate when he was shown a straight red card by referee Rosetti 14 minutes from time when Fabregas tumbled as the pair collided in the penalty area.

Rosetti awarded a penalty, which Van Persie duly scored, but replays showed Fletcher appearing to get a clean touch on the ball before Fabregas fell to the ground - although there was no suggestion the Arsenal captain dived.

United then simply played out time before taking deserved acclaim at the conclusion of a magnificent team effort - as Europe's elite trophy came into sight for Ferguson and his men once more.

source: BBC Sport

Monday, May 4, 2009


Come Sat 8th May, before 9pm, just as Akademi Fantasia Konsert Minggu Ke-9 is about to start, the voting process will ceased immediately.

This AFMASUK is entirely meant for those who had been eliminated earlier from the 1st to the 8th Concerts last week end.

I appeal to all of Claudia Fay Geres' fans & followers of her Blog to concentrate voting her in, in this final push to get her counted in for the Grand Finale Concert.

Let us not procrastinate on this matter, but to start our voting from now onwards till Sat. night, the 8th of May.

Posted by: Stephen Dass

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Thank God. Its finally over! Another beginning ....

It was a sad night for all of us especially myself through marriage ties to the Geres Family. I was "glued" to the TV set awaiting the final announcement from AC Mizal. Who is going and who is staying was making my palm sweaty.

By then, the small slip of paper was already in AC Mizal's hands. Then the announcement we have all been waiting for!

I can't believe what I was hearing, it took me a moment or two to finally understand what came out of AC Mizal's mouth.

Two "precious" people had been eliminated!

1. Aishah 2. Claudia

My family and I were at Claudia's house that fateful night. All was "rosy" until that stunning decision from the voters.

We accept it gracefully. It was their call, and the votes have spoken!

And now back to the real world. "All good things must come to an end," I say?

Well, it most certainly did. They shed a tear or two. I know I almost did. Her mum took it bravely. Her dad was not around, attending to an equally important kampung matters.

And that is show business y'all! Until next Akademi Fantasia Musim Ke-8?

I would like to take this opportunity to "Thank" each and everyone of you for your effort, sharing our dreams, the words of encouragement given us, I'm sure all of us in one way or another share that Dream and desire of a fellow Sarawakian as a AF Winner, at least we still have Hafiz as our flag bearer in this AF?

Thank you, thank you.

Stephen Dass

Man Utd ease to win over Middlesbrough

( Man Utd move a step closer to retaining their Premier League title with a comfortable 2-0 win at relegation-threatened Middlesbrough.

Middlesbrough 0-2 Man Utd

By Saj Chowdhury Saturday, 2 May 2009

Manchester United took a step closer to retaining the Premier League title with a comfortable victory at relegation-threatened Middlesbrough.

Ryan Giggs gave the visitors the lead in the first half when his low drive found Brad Jones' bottom left corner.

Ji-Sung Park scored United's second when he smashed in Wayne Rooney's neat pass following a delightful move.

Boro's best chance fell to Jeremie Aliadiere whose low shot was saved by the legs of Ben Foster early on.

The league leaders will have been delighted to have come away from the Riverside with three points having performed below the high standards they are used to.

United boss Sir Alex Ferguson rested key players with Tuesday's Champions League semi-final second leg against Arsenal in mind and, surprisingly, Middlesbrough rarely forced United to increase their tempo.

Boro, who remain second from bottom in the table, were bereft of ideas and relied on hopeful high balls into the area, which centre-backs Nemanja Vidic and Jonny Evans coped with admirably.

The home side did have one clear chance when Marlon King played in Aliadiere but Foster was alert to make the save.

At the other end, United's front pairing of Dimitar Berbatov and Federico Macheda were largely ineffective in a 4-4-2 formation.

So when United scored, it was no surprise it came from the boot of the PFA Player of the Year, who is as desperate for his 11th league title as some of his team-mates are for their first.

Rooney found Vidic, who had been forward for a set-piece, who in turn laid the ball to Giggs. The 35-year-old Welshman steadied himself before placing his low effort wide of Jones' left from the edge of the area.

His veteran partner in the middle, Paul Scholes, 34, should have tested Jones after the break, but uncharacteristically failed to find the target with both of his long-range efforts.

Luckily for Scholes, United are not short of sharp-shooters. Their second came after a sublime move that saw Giggs and Macheda play a one-two before the fabulous Rooney threaded the ball to Park, who powered in a low drive.

It was the highlight of the match and underlined that gulf in quality between the two squads.

Manager Gareth Southgate brought on £13m striker Afonso Alves and Didier Digard, but neither could ignite a Boro side flattened by United's double strike.

Southgate's side have three fixtures remaining to save their season, and are three points behind fourth-from-bottom Hull, who play at Aston Villa on Monday.

They now travel to fellow strugglers Newcastle a week on Monday, 11 May, in what promises to be a tension-filled clash, knowing they will have to improve tenfold in their remaining three games if they want to stay in the division.

Source: BBC Sport